Monday, June 4, 2012

5 Secrets That Turns Ideas Into Products That Sell

Best Fashion Merchandising Schools - 5 Secrets That Turns Ideas Into Products That Sell
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Do you know about - 5 Secrets That Turns Ideas Into Products That Sell

Best Fashion Merchandising Schools! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

So you had a killer brainstorm that is going to be (or already is) a new product. You know that others like you will be so relieved once they see how you have solved that pesky problem. You advanced the prototype. You sourced a manufacturer. You borrowed money to build a website (and it wasn't precisely come by) You got your dba and opened a merchant account. You even have a lawyer. Best yet, you are the first to shop - no one has done this before. Wooo hooo!

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How is 5 Secrets That Turns Ideas Into Products That Sell

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Best Fashion Merchandising Schools.

You're proud of yourself and you're feeling like a new time to come lies in front of you. Cheers!

Suddenly, your email box is inundated by marketers selling you super costly infomercials for "just ,000." The call from the remnant advertising guy contribution you space in a national magazine for only ,000 was tempting. Have you started to wonder where the heck am I going to come up with this kind money? Do you know how cost productive one choice would be over the other?

Can you say what kind of marketing would be the best use your money? Panic sets in when you perceive that you precisely didn't think about marketing; did you? You may been dreaming of how incompatibility your product is and how it will make you an industry hero, but now the reality of getting your to your customer can be overwhelming. I've all the time said that the improvement of any product or aid without knowing who wants it and where you can find them is a terrible waste of money.

Hands down, the most prominent interrogate any entrepreneur can ask themselves are these: How do I get my customer to precisely buy my product? And talking about my customers, where the heck can I find them? After 20 years in the Pr enterprise launching new products, I have seen this trajectory of idea many times. I have met with so many excited entrepreneurs, all of whom have truly great ideas that solve real problems.

The truly rare bird entrepreneur -- the one with the highest inherent for success -- is not the one with the coolest mousetrap, but the one who has figured out how to precisely get their product to the habitancy who need it.
Are you a rare bird --- or not so sure?

Don't panic.

You're not alone.

Many entrepreneurs get to the point of having a product ready for sale and then slip into a debilitating case of overwhelm. You may be saying to yourself, "I know my industry. I know why this important. My product rocks! But, I don't know the first thing about marketing. "

This is so common.

Author of "The E Myth," Michael Gerber, portends that 85% of American businesses are advanced by "craftsmen;" mechanics who start automotive mend companies, or chefs who start restaurants. He says that these craftspeople spend 100% of their time doing the part of the enterprise they know, but ignore splitting their time doing enterprise improvement and construction operational systems.

So are you spending 100% of your time manufacture your product precisely bitchin, containers cool or your retail space irresistibly beautiful? When you start reasoning about getting the word out to habitancy who will precisely buy your product or come to your store, do you go blank? Is panic setting into your belly at the very words you just read? Are you flushing reasoning about how much money you've just spent and realized that you do spend 100% of your time just on your product?

Does your mind spin reasoning about the time you've committed to this dream?

Well, now that I have you in a dither. Calm down. Take a breath. Just get to the lowest of this, and I promise you'll walk away with a renewed sense of joy. The overwhelm will subside; I promise. The good news is that the answers to the questions above are precisely quite easy and won't want tons more investment of time or money, but naturally going through this easy exercise:

The following is a 5 step practice that will erase the overwhelm you may be feeling, put you in the driver's seat with a definite roadmap toward the Emerald City of success. This practice will set out the course of your future. Truly, without going through this exercise, there is no way you will follow - it's that important.

First of all, grab a pen and piece of paper. Do it now. Read through each of these questions below first. Then, go back to the first, read it again and start writing down the answers as they come to you. Do not edit your thoughts. Let the ideas come into your cranium, flow through your shoulder, flood down your arm and right onto the piece of paper ----without any judgment or changes.

This is important.

Let the ideas out onto paper first, then you can look at them later, convert your mind, if you wish, but the key is to just get them out of your brain first and edit later; here they are:

1. Who is my customer?

2. Why is my product so exquisite for them?

3. Where does my customer hang out?

4. What publications, Tv shows, radio programs do they read/see/listen to? What places on the internet does my customer congregate?

5. What commonalities do my customers share with one another?

So, now let's go through what to do with the answers.

Knowing a profile about your customer, even if you are manufacture educated guesses, is Pivotal to giving them what they want and need. Chances are you are you advanced this product because you needed it. Come on make some guesses about them:

How old are they?

What enterprise are they in?

What are their interests?

What kinds of communities do they live in?

What do they do for fun?

Who are their friends?

What expert associations are they members of?

Getting clear on why your product is exquisite for your customer must be established; especially before you spend one more dime. habitancy buy products because they solve a question for them. Whether it be a bra that eliminates illustrated bra lines on a gal who is no longer 18 and svelte, or a clip-on cup holder for cars like my Porsche that somehow were built without that fantastic wee amenity, you need to know. And you need to know now.

Think about this in terms of solving your customer's pain and make a list:

What is killing them right now?

What makes them cringe?

What makes them mad?

What frustrates them?

What do they complain about to their friends?

How can they save time and money?

What would make them smile with happiness if only they knew about it?

Those attributes come to be your "unique selling proposition" and the basis of all your marketing to your customers. Your job as an entrepreneur is to provide a explication for someone else's problem. Attempt to get your list into less than 5 words that you can use on packaging, press releases and as an "elevator speech" when someone asks you about your product. So now that you know who your customer is, where do they hang out? What do they read/watch/listen to? To what associations might they be connected?

Where do they spend their time and money?

What do they read?

You can get creative here and don't need to know a particular industry to retort this question. Make some educated guesses. For example, I would bet that fashion designers probably read Vogue and Wwd religiously. They probably subscribe to the Daily Candy online might be alumni of the Fashion develop of develop and Merchandising. They probably shop a lot and can be found in malls on the weekends and evenings seeing what else is out there. They are passionate about fashion and can most likely be found in any situation having to do with it.

If you have issue figuring out where they are, make a list of where they are not.

Using our fashion designer example, I'd say that fashion designers are probably not skiing in the winter and riding bikes in the summer. They probably spend many hours in the mall and make it a pastime, as opposed to a chore. They are probably not at football games or gardening on the weekend. They most likely don't eat at McDonald's and don't watch The History Channel.

Does that make sense?

So, why is this important? Because these are the associations where you might make presentations, the magazines in which you request narrative about your product and the organizations whose websites you sponsor. For example the Fashion develop of develop & Merchandising probably has speakers come in to talk with their students. They probably have a magazine that goes to their alumni. They might even have an intern program. Voila; instant access.

Now the last interrogate precisely helps to drill down to more about who you customer precisely is. The value of knowing the commonalities your customers share will help you decide where you spend your time and money, and in what order. Knowing the commonalities your customers share will create the shape of your marketing program. You will find out who your real targets are and if you have other customers who are inherent buyers, but aren't worth spending your highest amount of dollars and time one.

Going back to the fashion designer example, ask yourself of the things that you guessed about them, which are the most tasteless things they share? Of the examples we discussed I'd say that the most tasteless thing they'd share is a subscription to Vogue. Second, I'd say it's probable they graduated from a fashion trade school like the Fashion develop of Merchandising or the Fashion develop of Technology.

So, now that you have all these questions answered, make a list of those customers and split them up into groups of most probable to buy your product.

Order them into a priority of three categories.

1. The first are the most probable customers;
2. The second are somewhat likely;
3. And the third are a decent possibility.

Then match up the commonalities to your target customers.

Now make a list of the expert associations where your customers might be members. Get their websites. Call them and see if they have any in-house newsletters. Ask if they sell their mailing lists. See if they do extra events where you can come speak to their members. List the magazines that your customers subscribe to and read. Go buy them. Flip through the magazines and find the sections where they might narrative about your product. Write down the names of the journalists who wrote those articles.

Make a list of your customers "pains."

Next to the "pains," list the attributes about your product that quells your customer's pain.

Now here's how this all ties together:

Write a sentence about your product that includes the customer's pain and how your product solves it. Play colse to with it. Write it over and over again. Use separate words to say the same thing. Take out all extraneous words. Most of all, make it rich and very simple.

Federal Express' Usp was: "When it precisely has to get there overnight."

Domino's Pizza said, "hot pizza on your doorstep in 30 minutes or less."

This becomes your "unique selling proposition" and the phrase you lead with when you call the expert associations and press outlets you listed above.

There are Thousands of other marketing things you can do to get your product to your customers, but if you just start here, I promise that you will never feel overwhelmed again. When you know who your customer is, you will never have a interrogate about how to motion to them. You now know what your customers love, hate and where they hang out; they will never again elude you again.

As time goes on, you'll refine your customer attributes, the lists of where to find them and continue branching out your marketing programs, but for now, give yourself a pat on the back and put one foot in front of the other. You have lists - a roadmap - just start in the starting and journey down the road. Success lies with educated effort, not necessarily born talent. One of my popular quotes from Winston Churchill says: "Education will not. Privilege will not. Feel may not. Tenacity wil

So, how do you feel now?

Has the belly ache subsided?

Are you excited about Monday?


Go get 'em Tiger!

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