Friday, May 18, 2012

How to Turn "Wants" into "Haves" - Second in a 3 Part Series

Best Fashion - How to Turn "Wants" into "Haves" - Second in a 3 Part Series
The content is good quality and useful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination How to Turn "Wants" into "Haves" - Second in a 3 Part Series. And the content related to Best Fashion.

Do you know about - How to Turn "Wants" into "Haves" - Second in a 3 Part Series

Best Fashion! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

In a former article in this series, I promised you that if you were daring sufficient to fill a sheet of legal paper with 'I want' statements, I would show you how to apply the next private of setting and achieving goals. Here we go!

What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Best Fashion. You look at this article for information about an individual need to know is Best Fashion.

How is How to Turn "Wants" into "Haves" - Second in a 3 Part Series

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Best Fashion.

The next private in the efficient goal setting process is to pick a completion time. That doesn't sound complex and yet this is right about the point at which many a list makes the unholy transition from dreams to pseudo basketball as it sails across the room into the nearest trash receptacle.

Why does this happen? One word - overwhelm. You have taken the bold and courageous step of undoubtedly putting the things you want to see materialize in your life in black and white. And there they are, staring back at you, taunting you in Dirty Harry fashion "Go ahead, make me manifest." Jeez, who wouldn't be intimidated by that?

Fear not. You are about to learn how to stare down Clint Eastwood! Let's use my sample list to illustrate.

At this stage, it doesn't matter whether you know how long it will take to get something done or what steps will be involved. Trust me on this and just give it a try. The key is to start with undoubtedly broad strokes and make your best guess.

The only way to keep from becoming overwhelmed and giving up at this point is to focus on just one item at a time. You must control and resist the urge to think about the whole list at once. Think of each item as an island, fully isolated and disconnected from any other item on your list.

o I want to make more money and work fewer hours - 6 months from now

o I want to earn a six form wage - by the end of 2009

o I want to own a new car - by my 46th birthday

o I want to retire to a warm climate - in 10 years

o I want to meet Oprah - before I retire

o I want to own my own business - by the start of 2008

o I want to see the world - before I die

o I want to spend more time with my house - starting this week

o I want to live my life with purpose - every day

See, undoubtedly broad strokes. By doing this, you have set your intention. The details will begin to materialize, and they will begin to do so in a way that will feel eerily natural.

Now that you have set your intention for the items on your list, the next task is to prioritize them. If you have a super long list (and I hope you do) pull out the top three or four things that you want to focus on first, the things that you want to see materialize above the others. Put them on a clean sheet of paper and set it aside. I will wrap up this series with the next article where I will tell you how you can warrant the results you seek.

© 2007 Lisa Almeida and Planit Production

I hope you have new knowledge about Best Fashion. Where you'll be able to put to use within your life. And just remember, your reaction is Best Fashion.Read more.. How to Turn "Wants" into "Haves" - Second in a 3 Part Series. View Related articles related to Best Fashion. I Roll below. I actually have suggested my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share How to Turn "Wants" into "Haves" - Second in a 3 Part Series.

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